How To Choose Suitable Crusher




There are different crushers on the market, what kind of breaker is right for you? Do you suffer from the inefficiency of your crusher? If you really want to solve these problems and improve the efficiency of crushing machines, you need to have a good understanding of the characteristics of crushing material, the method of crushing materials, the classification of crushing equipment, etc.

When selecting the jaw crusher parts, full consideration must be given to the type, hardness, particle size and yield of the committed material and yield and construction site.

Types And Hardness Of Materials

The type and hardness of materials are the first factors to consider when selecting crushing equipment. Different types of materials have different hardness and structure, which is the primary limitation for the selection of crushing equipment.

Crushing is carried out based on the measurement of the material. Qiming Machinery provide the highest possible metso jaw crusher parts together with mechanical dependability along with numerous mounting possibilities.

The hardness of the material indicates the soft and hard degree of the material and has a direct relationship to the brittleness of the material. Usually the hardness is divided into ten types, the higher the material quality, the harder the material, the more difficult the breaking difficulty, and the greater the requirement for crushing equipment. Fragility represents the physical properties of materials that are easily broken. The main factors influencing the vulnerability are the strength, hardness, density, structure, water content, viscosity, crack, surface condition and shape of the material.

The moisture of the material will also influence the choice of breaker. When the moisture content is too large, the fine-grained material will agglomerate or stick to the coarse-grained material due to the increase in moisture, increasing the viscosity of the material, lowering the discharge rate and decreasing productivity. When severe, it will even cause ore discharge obstruction, which will affect normal production.

The degree of ore splitting development also directly affects the productivity of the jaw crusher parts - because the ore is easily broken along the splitting surface when the ore is broken, breaking the developed ores, the breaker productivity is much higher than that of the compact structure of the broken structure.

According to the different structure and working principle, the commonly used crusher mainly includes jaw crusher, counter-attack crusher, hammer crusher, cone crusher and roller crusher, etc. Each product will be divided into different specifications according to specific production requirements. While there are many types of crushing machines, there are different methods of crushing, crushing, crushing, crushing, crushing and grinding. Before choosing crushing equipment, the customer should adopt the corresponding method to apply force according to the material property of the grain, the requirement of the crushing product and the grain size, and then determine the type of crushing equipment.

crusher machine

Feed Particle

The particle size of the feed is used to identify the type and model of crushing equipment to be determined. If the content of coarse particles is high or the ratio of the largest ore feed block to the width of the inlet hole is greater, the crusher must achieve a large crushing ratio. So productivity is reduced, the breaking material has more fine grain or the ratio of the largest ore block to the width of the input hole is small, so the breaking ratio should be small, so the productivity will be improved accordingly.

If the feed particle size is large and the discharge particle size is small, secondary or multi-stage grinding is often required. If the size of the broken material is small, there is no multi-level crushing. Jaw crushers and some hammer crushers are generally used as primary crushers, while impact crushers, cone crushers, roller crushers and hammer crushers are generally used as secondary crushers or even tertiary crushers.


The efficiency is also an important index for determining the crushing equipment. The conventional notion is that the higher the output requirement, the greater the breaking equipment specification and the higher the input and output will be. At this time, the yield of the crusher is less than 10 tons per hour and hundreds of tons per hour. Customers must choose which equipment to use and how to tailor the production line to their specific requirements.

How To Get Rid Of Mosquitoes



Repel mosquitoes effectively with our tips in the following article. The measures to avoid the annoying critters are just as important as the right measures to drive away mosquitoes. Those who don't offer them a hotbed have a good chance of being bothered less.

Not all mosquitoes are pests that need to be driven away. The well-known huge swarms of mosquitoes consist of 100 percent vegetarian males and are therefore completely harmless for humans and animals. Only the female mosquitoes bite, since they need protein to lay eggs.To find out Buzz B-Gone Review, you must see our site.

The claim that mosquitoes are particularly attracted to sweet blood is incorrect. Also, mosquitoes don't bite women more often. It doesn't matter whether you switch the light on or off in the apartment, because mosquitoes are primarily attracted to heat. What else attracts the pests is body odors and carbon dioxide generated when exhaling.

Prevent Mosquitoes

The best strategy to repel mosquitoes is to avoid them. The easiest way is to take the mosquitoes breeding grounds and avoid any kind of watering hole in the garden or on the terrace. Do not leave any containers standing around because they canRainwatercollect, and cover your rain barrel. Clean and fill your bird baths weekly.

If you could not prevent the female mosquitoes from laying eggs, it is beneficial to control the larvae. Hundreds of them gather in the water and hundreds can also be destroyed. Either you use special mosquito repellents from gardening retailers or you reduce the surface tension in the rain barrel with a few drops of cooking oil or dish soap. The larvae can then no longer hold to the water surface, cannot breathe and drown. In the interest of environmental protection, the detergent should be biodegradable.

In the garden pond, you should avoid washing up liquid or oil, as you would also kill other useful insects. Rather rely on fish or other insectivorous creatures, such as swimming beetles, dragonflies or water beetles. A water feature can also help - the water surface is constantly in motion and the females find it difficult to lay eggs.

Repel Mosquitoes With The Right Defense Measures

If you missed killing the larvae, avoid the stings. An easy method is to wear light, wide clothing. Dark fabrics attract mosquitoes and they can easily bite through tight clothing. You should also wear long trousers. In summer with hot temperatures, of course, this takes some effort to overcome. However, mosquitoes prefer to bite the lower parts of the body, such as the ankles. It's also best to put your pants in your socks - it looks rather modest, but it helps.


Fly screens, air conditioning or help in the house or apartment fan. The fly screen prevents most insects from entering, the air conditioning system cools the room down so much that the mosquitoes are not attracted to it, and the fan chases them away with a gentle, cooling airflow.

Those who have already been stung should scratch as little as possible, the experts advise - even if it still itches. Cooling rubbing agents from the pharmacy provide relief. Mosquito repellents applied to the skin mask the body odor and thus deceive the insects; The synthetic active ingredient is effective, but can be absorbed through the skin and affect the nervous system. However, a large part of it is usually wiped off with the sweat. Natural fragrances can also keep mosquitoes away, but the effect is different.

Drive Away Mosquitoes With Scents

Mosquitoes are very odor-sensitive animals - one smell attracts them, another repels them. Sweet, floral perfumes and our sweat, or the lactic acid produced during sweating, are particularly seductive for them. So if you shower more often and avoid fragrant deodorants and perfumes, you will be stung less often. On the other hand, there are many smells that we find pleasant, but not the mosquito at all. It is repelled by scented candles or oils that smell like lemon, eucalyptus, sandalwood, cinnamon, cedar or camphor.

Kop Vy Sám Silný - Proc Kickbox Dává Fyzickou A Duševní Sílu


kickbox Praha multisport


Kickbox te delá silným. Toto silné bojové umení probouzí vnitrní sílu. Pokud cvicíte pravidelne, mužete se brzy tešit na svou novou sílu. Nárocný trénink nevynechává žádnou cást tela a nezanedbává hlavu.

Pokud jdete do tréninku pravidelne, budete rychle zjistit, jak silový trénink má pozitivní vliv na vaše fyzické a duševní pohody. Protože intenzivní boxerské jednotky nejen zduraznují všechny svalové skupiny, ale také udržují mozkové bunky zaneprázdnené. Efektivní celotelové cvicení trénuje sílu, vytrvalost, rychlost, koordinaci, rovnováhu a flexibilitu. Každý, kdo si myslí, kickbox je jen o bít to je špatné, že je to více o tom cvicení ve vysoce koncentrované a koordinované zpusobem. Pokud se potrebujete naucit kickbox a kruhový trénink v Praze, mužete vyhledávat kickbox Praha online a najít skvelou možnost.

Pokud vám to nestací, mužete samozrejme vstoupit do boxerského ringu a zmerit svou sílu s partnerem. Ale tvrdý trénink je dost pro vetšinu. Není divu, protože v 1,5 hodiny silového tréninku mužete opravdu vycerpat sami. To zacíná intenzivními zahrívacími cviceními, které pohánejí puls od zacátku. Jednotky se rychle strídají tak, aby telo zustalo v pohybu bez prerušení. Neexistuje žádný klid ani behem cvicení. To je jeden z duvodu, proc je trénink tak intenzivní. Kickbox je víc než jen sport, který od tela vyžaduje hodne, posouvá ho na hranice svých možností a probouzí jeho vnitrní sílu.

Trenéru bude puvodne mají položit Rychlost a Agility Žebrík úroven na zem pred pripojení Noze Odolnost Kapely bezpecne jen pres kolena. Trenéru bude nutné práce 4 odlišné teplé cvicení dosáhnout kompletní sortiment kruhový trénink odmeny když vzdelávání a ucení jak kop vyšší a težší.

Kickboxovací Vlaky Vytrvalost

Urcitá základní výdrž muže být výhodou pro zacátecníky, ale není nezbytne nutné. Pokud jdete pravidelne do tréninku, rychle se zlepšíte a budete mít prospech ze zvýšené vytrvalosti. Na zacátku se muže stát, že vaše telo nemuže vydržet obrovský kmen a musíte to vzít trochu pomaleji. Pokud máte dostatek trpelivosti, budete spokojeni s prvními úspechy pomerne rychle. Pokud máte problémy s krevním obehem, meli byste mít vždy glukózu s sebou.

Kickbox Zlepšuje Koncentraci

Koncentrace je velmi duležitá pri kickboxu. Protože pokud nemáte pravdu, zapomenete kryt a obdržíte nekontrolovanou ránu. Behem tréninku jsou kopy pouze naznacovány, ale nekdy mužete zapomenout na správné poradí kvuli nedostatku koncentrace a náhodne prekvapit boxerského partnera neplánovaným kopem nebo být prekvapeni sami. Takové nepredvídatelné hity jsou casto bolestivé a zranení nejsou vyloucena. Proto byste meli jít do tréninku pouze tehdy, pokud jste ve stabilním zdravotním stavu.

Kickbox Posunul Sebevedomí

Pokud strávíte hodne casu kickboxem, budete odmeneni nejen dobre vycviceným telem, ale také posíleným sebevedomím. Intenzivní trénink podporuje asertivitu a dává vám ji v každodenním živote. Mnoho situací, ve kterých jste se casto cítili nejistí, najednou zvládnete mnohem uvolnenejší a s novou silou.

Vzhledem k aspektu sebeobrany, kickbox školení také pusobí proti ruzným obavám. I když to neznamená, že tmavé rohy atraktivnejší, budete chodit nocními ulicemi s trochu menším strachem. Protože pokud dojde k nejhoršímu, mužete použít vycvicené techniky.  

Ochranná Opatrení Pri Kickboxu

Pokud chcete být behem tréninku na bezpecné strane, je nejlepší získat vhodné ochranné prostredky. Za žádných okolností byste se bez oblicejové masky. Náhodná rána do úst muže vést k bolestivým zranením a v nejhorším prípade ke ztráte zubu. Chránice holení jsou také výhodou pri tréninku, protože tato cást tela je velmi citlivá, a proto by mela být obzvlášte chránena.

Pro ochranu zápestí jsou obvazy, které se nosí pod boxerskými rukavicemi. Pokud ješte nejste zbehlí v závazné technologii, mužete získat pomoc od trenéra nebo sledovat jeden z mnoha výukových programu na internetu. Další ochrana hlavy se obvykle nosí behem sparringu.

Chatbots - The Greatest Advantages For Your Company


conversational bot


Set sail with chatbots that's what many companies want. Logically, you would also like to know in advance what such a virtual assistant can mean for your company. The pilot phase has now been completed for many companies and the brilliant results speak for themselves.

Use Chatbots With Increasing Volume - Improve Your Efficiency

For some years now, companies have been struggling with increasing volume in online customer service because customers have become tech-savvy and are more familiar with the world of social media and messaging apps.

Chatbot conversational AI are exceptionally well suited to take on the increasing volume. As a company, you equally strive to provide fast service and to devote enough time to interacting with customers. The chatbot is used for 25% of all inquiries to online customer service to help your customers. Worldwide, across different industries, we see that a chatbot is able to fully or partially absorb between 20% and 40% of the total volume.

While the term itself carries out bring some body weight, it inevitably comes down to the practical variation it can easily create to your business. So, we believe that it's well worth what this signifies for you -- the market you're in and most importantly, that your company, your own customer and also the time to explain the concept. Inside this article you can know about Chatbot Conversational AI.

Reduce Your Costs Through Chatbots

The introduction of chatbots is an investment that will pay off in the foreseeable future. Within the e-commerce industry there is even a 36% cost reduction and a 20% increase in customer interactions that employees have per hour. What is the secret to success? It's simple: Use employees for complex processes and have simple customer questions and routine tasks done by a chatbot. Targeted use of the chatbots then leads directly to the next advantage.

Chatbots Increase Customer And Employee Satisfaction

After the launch of a chatbot for service purposes, customer satisfaction is one of the most important measurement factors. Around 10% of the site visitors use the bot and a good 80% of all bot users round off the conversation completely. The bot is quite complex in structure, it includes many questions and some of these questions are quite difficult. No less than 90% of the users are satisfied.

Nevertheless, chatbots in the right applications not only contribute to increased customer satisfaction, but also ensure better employee satisfaction. After all, they relieve the employees by relieving them of routine tasks. This means that employees have more time for complex customer inquiries and can devote themselves to the customers particularly intensively. It is a fact that chatbots do not replace customer service employees, but only complement and support them. With an optimal balance between man and technology you achieve the best results.

Improve Your Accessibility

In a digitized world with constantly increasing service expectations, the use of chatbots will expand your reachability.

Chatbots To Support The Service Agent

Chatbots can do work both in front of and behind the scenes. Think, for example, of a bot that automatically processes messages for which no employees are required or that automatically tag messages based on clever technology. A chatbot can also forward specific questions to the responsible employee so that the questions land directly with the right department or the right employee. These bots can run in the background and do not have customer conversations, but they are nonetheless a valuable addition to the service department, particularly with a view to improving you need for the chatbot team within your company.

6 Benefits of Reading You Need to Know


Reading is opening a window to the world. Do you agree? Reading is not bound whether it is a book, a newspaper, or a magazine. Reading is also not tied to the type of our reading, whether it's novels, short stories, articles, biographies, or poetry.

Reading has proven to be very beneficial for us. Successful people have very routine reading schedules. They know, reading is a shaper of one's quality. What are the benefits of reading? Let's see!

1. Adding Knowledge

This is the main element of reading. Every time we read a new reading we will get new knowledge. We will become aware of what is not known. And thus will continue to benefit no. 2, namely:

2. Strengthening Brain Cells

The human brain is the center of a human's life. The brain consists of billions of brain cells. The speed of delivery of information between brain cells is very fast, the speed is as fast as lightning! This is truly amazing, because that is why we are so quick to accept something new, like trends; whether it's fashion, technology, or business. The more we use our cells to receive new information, the speed of delivery will increase. We create a toll road for the information we will receive , said Anthony Robbins, in his book entitled Awaken the Giant Within .

A fast scan via Insta-gram can confirm something everyone else knows: People love inspirational and famous quotes. They are loved by us in hand-lettering that is amazing. When they are the solution of the Photoshop project, we even like them. We publish them on t-shirts, we hand them on posters, and also we tattoo them onto our own bodies. But why? What can it be all about quotes and mantras we detect motivational?

"Learning to read is like lighting a fire; every syllable spelled will become a spark that illuminates. " (Victor Hugo)

Besides that, our brain capacity is really big. Our brain capacity can reach 2.5 petabytes or 100 million gigabytes ! and the more we use it, our brain will be sharper ! Just like a knife that continues to be sharpened, after a long time will be sharp. For that try to read even for a while. If it's routine, you will get a big profit.

3. Adding Life Experience and Lessons

When we read a story, sometimes we are immersed in the story, whether the story is fiction or non-fiction. In a story there is a lesson that we can learn. In addition, our experience can increase when we read a story. Suppose we have never been abroad. But we have read a story set in a foreign country. At least you can know the description of those places, right?

One of the books I like is the Musketri Trio. The novel tells the story of a poor young man who was passionate about pursuing his dream. His name is D'Artagnan. His dream is to become a musketri. Difficulties after difficulties confronted him, but he did not give up. There are really many lessons to be taken. For that I recommend at least one month, you need to read a story, a short story, or a novel. I am sure, your life will be more colorful.



4. Give Inspiration

Sometimes we need inspiration, and often we feel we don't have inspiration. Read it ! You will not know what you will find later. That would be a very big surprise.

Inspiration can be in the form of ideas or things that make us amazed. For example JK Rowling. Who's do not know? He was a single parrent , who was struggling economically, even had time to ask for help from the King of England. But now he has become one of the richest people in the world. It is all thanks to hard work and strong belief. He created a novel. He stole time for typing on his university computer. Even when the novel is finished, the obstacles don't stop there. He had to face rejection several times by the publisher. But he still struggled, until the novel was published, even adapted into the film! Now, I want to ask, are you able to be like him?

5. Eliminate boredom

Are you bored? Let's find something surprising by reading. You can immerse yourself in reading that you like. I recommend reading humorous reading. Why? That will make your mood good. Or reading reading that motivates you to do empowering things! This benefit is related to the 6th benefit, namely ...

6. Relieve Stress and Relax

When you read things that make you enjoy, relax, laugh, and make you happy, you will obviously get positive energy. Or maybe you are stressed and tense. When you read, your focus will be diverted towards what you read. Thus you will feel better.

7 Effective Ways To Deal With Anxiety




Anxiety, also known as anxiety disorder, manifests itself by being obsessed with certain thoughts, not thinking about other things. The fear of being stuck in the same thoughts and thinking that they will not be able to get rid of them leaves the feeling that the brain will not remain silent and will constantly hear those thoughts in their minds. Getting rid of obsessive thoughts is not an easy task when the brain is in such anxiety.

In the event of anxiety, the person becomes so worried that it feels as if all the evil on earth will find him. However, such anxiety does not save anyone from evil. On the contrary, such anxiety affects functions such as concentration, productivity, and sleep patterns quite negatively and makes the situation worse. It is extremely important to survive anxiety attacks that seem like they will never end. As we mentioned in our article “ 7 Effective Ways to Cope with Anxiety”, controlling the attacks is a priority for people with anxiety.Browse our website for details on cbd for depression right now.

1. Write your concerns

Writing is one of the most effective and easy ways to organize our emotions, thoughts, and clear our heads . You can free your mind and relax by putting your anxiety and stress in writing.

2. Plan the time to worry

For example, you can plan to worry between 8:00 and 8:15 every day. So you know that you have time at a certain time of the day to worry. When you realize that your anxiety has started to increase, remind yourself that you will live in the time you devote to worrying these thoughts, but you need to focus on what you need to do right now! You may have just noticed that you are directing your thoughts many times during the day, there is no problem in this.

You can develop such strategies to live your concerns in the time you have reserved for them, and to focus on what you have to do in the remaining time.

3. Limit your anxiety session to a maximum of 15-30 minutes

You should put certain limits on your worries! You have written your concerns and even marked the time to worry on your calendar. Now it is time to put anxiety on your concerns; Situations with a certain start time but no end time are planned, and you can easily start spending your entire day in the same dark seas as you try to control your concerns. Therefore, anxiety sessions that do not exceed 15-30 minutes will be sufficient.

4. Keep yourself entertained

Embracing ourselves to dissolve our never-ending thoughts is one of the easiest and most effective methods we all use. Sometimes we just need to do something different, focus our attention on a different point. Although the pastimes that will really focus on us are more effective, small activities like talking to a friend, watching a funny video, listening to music can also help reduce our anxiety.

You can take a look at our "Good Food for Anxiety 7 Food" article to learn foods that will help you in your struggle with anxiety disorder .

5. Tell yourself to stop firmly

From time to time, we have spoken to ourselves in order to be able to emerge from the sea of ??deep thought, and even warn ourselves with a sharp language. Even at such times, the method of “throwing yourself a little pinch” of our elders is very useful. It allows us to shift our focus to different points by moving our minds away from deep thoughts like a sudden stop signal. Hitting a little cold water on our face is also a useful method.

6. Decide if you can change the situation

Decision making is an important mental process in itself. Deciding whether or not you have anything in the face of your concerns is one of the important mechanisms that allow you to remember that you are in control. If there is anything you can do to change the events, do it, otherwise accept that the situation is not under your control and try to accept it rather than trying to change it.

7. Focus on physical activities

Physical activities such as sports are one of the best things we can do for our psychological health . Exercise increases the secretion of endorphins in our brain, making us feel happier, calmer and less stressed. Even better is to take a walk in the open air, on the beach or in an oxygen-rich nature surrounded by trees. Changing the environment we are in is one of the best defense methods against re-focusing our thoughts and getting lost in the seas of anxiety.

If you feel that you are drowning in anxious thoughts and are looking for a way out, you can provide an online therapy interview with our online psychologists at any time in addition to the above methods, and get support from the psychologists who are experts in their field at any time of the day.

Benefits And Uses Of Security Cameras Everywhere


security system


Surely, security cameras have great importance and benefit in all aspects of life and that is why we decided to talk today about the  benefits and uses of security cameras in all places. As we have become in an era when we badly need to use security cameras everywhere, whether homes, schools, hospitals, and Interests and companies even in public streets, in order to monitor everything that happens and to follow the progress of those places safely.Those who would like to get the cameras installed at their house can choose to employ the company that can give exactly the Security Camera Installation services.

The Importance Of Using Security Cameras In Society

The many benefits that arise from the use of security cameras can not be limited, but we will mention to you the most important reasons why users purchase security cameras and the benefits of purchasing and using them.

Security Cameras Are Used To Reduce Thefts And Combat Crimes

Security cameras are used permanently with the aim of reducing theft of all kinds and combating crimes in general. By registering and photographing the cameras when they are installed in the specified place and giving clear results, pictures and videos of high quality where it can easily detect the face of the thief and the perpetrator of this crime if the crime or theft occurred, as security cameras can intimidate the thief, so when he sees that the place to be stolen is full of security cameras, he does not return and does not complete the theft process because he knows very well that the competent authorities will reach him with ease through those cameras. So every people need to hire CCTV installation service for better result.

Monitor The Workflow Process Within Departments And Companies And Protect Workers And Employees

May not be able to monitor the workers and employees permanently and continuously, and the employee when he sees the security cameras works hard and tries to avoid illegal actions that some employees in the interests and companies may do. In addition to protecting workers and employees from the possibility of any danger and assault on them or their belongings and personal possessions, therefore security cameras must be placed in the entrances and exits of the company or the workplace as well as in the parking lots of workers.

Security Protection In The Streets And The Detection Of Outlaws

Security cameras are used in public streets for the purpose of security protection and the detection of those in conflict with the law and are also placed in traffic lights to detect violators and reach them, whether by identifying them or identifying them by reading the numbers of used and stolen license plates and reaching them with all ease and detection of many thefts and burglary that take place in these public and side streets as well.

Monitor Schools And Universities And The Course Of The Learning Process Naturally

As it is known, security cameras are of the utmost importance in monitoring the progress of the educational process and also monitoring schools and universities and revealing all violations that occur in them, reaching the perpetrator and holding him accountable. Also, security cameras, especially in schools, can help social workers in knowing the behavior of students with each other and their supervisor so that all the correct methods and methods are taken in dealing with students and guiding them to the correct and correct ways, as well as helping to protect students from any accidents and rapid intervention to prevent any injuries or risks, as well as monitoring the behavior of teachers and teachers and monitoring each teacher.

Monitoring Homes And Residential Buildings And Protecting Them From Any Attack

The greatest benefit of security cameras lies in this use, which is protecting families from any infringement on them, especially in extreme or far from urban areas, whether they are residential buildings, residential towers or even homes, as the presence of cameras in These places are very important and a must, so that all the entrants and exits to and from the residential areas are monitored and it is revealed that there are strangers or intruders and the identification of people before they are allowed to enter the homes.


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