Chatbots - The Greatest Advantages For Your Company


conversational bot


Set sail with chatbots that's what many companies want. Logically, you would also like to know in advance what such a virtual assistant can mean for your company. The pilot phase has now been completed for many companies and the brilliant results speak for themselves.

Use Chatbots With Increasing Volume - Improve Your Efficiency

For some years now, companies have been struggling with increasing volume in online customer service because customers have become tech-savvy and are more familiar with the world of social media and messaging apps.

Chatbot conversational AI are exceptionally well suited to take on the increasing volume. As a company, you equally strive to provide fast service and to devote enough time to interacting with customers. The chatbot is used for 25% of all inquiries to online customer service to help your customers. Worldwide, across different industries, we see that a chatbot is able to fully or partially absorb between 20% and 40% of the total volume.

While the term itself carries out bring some body weight, it inevitably comes down to the practical variation it can easily create to your business. So, we believe that it's well worth what this signifies for you -- the market you're in and most importantly, that your company, your own customer and also the time to explain the concept. Inside this article you can know about Chatbot Conversational AI.

Reduce Your Costs Through Chatbots

The introduction of chatbots is an investment that will pay off in the foreseeable future. Within the e-commerce industry there is even a 36% cost reduction and a 20% increase in customer interactions that employees have per hour. What is the secret to success? It's simple: Use employees for complex processes and have simple customer questions and routine tasks done by a chatbot. Targeted use of the chatbots then leads directly to the next advantage.

Chatbots Increase Customer And Employee Satisfaction

After the launch of a chatbot for service purposes, customer satisfaction is one of the most important measurement factors. Around 10% of the site visitors use the bot and a good 80% of all bot users round off the conversation completely. The bot is quite complex in structure, it includes many questions and some of these questions are quite difficult. No less than 90% of the users are satisfied.

Nevertheless, chatbots in the right applications not only contribute to increased customer satisfaction, but also ensure better employee satisfaction. After all, they relieve the employees by relieving them of routine tasks. This means that employees have more time for complex customer inquiries and can devote themselves to the customers particularly intensively. It is a fact that chatbots do not replace customer service employees, but only complement and support them. With an optimal balance between man and technology you achieve the best results.

Improve Your Accessibility

In a digitized world with constantly increasing service expectations, the use of chatbots will expand your reachability.

Chatbots To Support The Service Agent

Chatbots can do work both in front of and behind the scenes. Think, for example, of a bot that automatically processes messages for which no employees are required or that automatically tag messages based on clever technology. A chatbot can also forward specific questions to the responsible employee so that the questions land directly with the right department or the right employee. These bots can run in the background and do not have customer conversations, but they are nonetheless a valuable addition to the service department, particularly with a view to improving you need for the chatbot team within your company.