How To Effectively Defend Against Annoying Mosquitoes




Although no calamity in the occurrence of mosquitoes has been announced so far, according to experts, there are many more than in previous years. This is mainly due to the rainy weather, which plagued most of the republic in May and early June. That is why most hygienists advise not to go on holidays and summer camps without proper equipment against these wreckers.

Mosquitoes are among the most annoying insects ever. In our latitudes you will find up to 45 species of mosquitoes that are active almost all year round. Particularly annoying are females who suck blood to feed their eggs.Far more precisely, there's no scientific proof to back up the statements that the Ultra Sonic technology utilized in Buzz B-Gone devices actually prevents parasites off. The truth is that the alternative is real.

If mosquitoes attack you more than ten times a minute, then hygienists consider this condition to be a calamity.

How to mosquitoes

Ultrasonic repellents - work on the basis of the frequency of sound, which deters stinging insects. They can be purchased very often together with night lights for children's rooms. Or you can buy various small flashlight boxes that emit tones with a frequency of 22-28 Khz.

You can also download ultrasonic repellents in the form of programs (eg NouKomar) to your laptops or phones, which generate inaudible tones for the human ear and also help repel mosquitoes.

Natural repellents - if you prefer natural products that will not harm your children, then you have the opportunity to try - mint, lemon balm, lavender, cloves, juniper or citronella. Some manufacturers offer special blends of natural essential oils designed directly for mosquitoes, which can be used in scented lamps. Some then just drip directly on the skin or clothing. There are even organic oils against organic mosquitoes.

However, natural essential oils can also be found in special mosquito patches, which can be glued to the skin or clothing, and then also in special bracelets that can be worn while repelling mosquitoes.

Chemical repellents - there is a huge number of variants available on the market, which are not very suitable for small allergy sufferers and atopics, especially up to 3 years of age.

You can also choose variants that are inserted directly into the socket thanks to a special device. However, even these are usually not suitable for children under 3 years of age.

B-complex and homeopathy - many people have proven to take a B-complex tablet daily as the most suitable prevention not only against mosquitoes, but also ticks. If you take these vitamins, then you will not smell insects and therefore you will avoid arcing.

Grandma's advice - some advice on how to protect our grandmothers from mosquitoes.

Recipe for home repellent: pour a liter of hot water over a bag of rosemary. Infuse until completely cool, add a tablespoon of wine vinegar, pour into a sprinkler and apply to body or clothing. Store the repellent produced in this way in the refrigerator.


Polish recipe: put a carnation flower in a thermos and pour boiling water over it. Leave to infuse for 24 hours, then strain and use as a repellent.

Francovkový infusion: put one teaspoon of cloves in one deciliter of francovka, close the glass and let it infuse for a week. After a week it can be used as a repellent....

According to scientists, cinnamon is more effective than repellents against larvae and mosquitoes themselves. Cinnamon bark extract is said to kill mosquitoes even more effectively than the most common active ingredient in DEET repellents. The same can be said of mint.