How To Get Rid Of Mosquitoes



Repel mosquitoes effectively with our tips in the following article. The measures to avoid the annoying critters are just as important as the right measures to drive away mosquitoes. Those who don't offer them a hotbed have a good chance of being bothered less.

Not all mosquitoes are pests that need to be driven away. The well-known huge swarms of mosquitoes consist of 100 percent vegetarian males and are therefore completely harmless for humans and animals. Only the female mosquitoes bite, since they need protein to lay eggs.To find out Buzz B-Gone Review, you must see our site.

The claim that mosquitoes are particularly attracted to sweet blood is incorrect. Also, mosquitoes don't bite women more often. It doesn't matter whether you switch the light on or off in the apartment, because mosquitoes are primarily attracted to heat. What else attracts the pests is body odors and carbon dioxide generated when exhaling.

Prevent Mosquitoes

The best strategy to repel mosquitoes is to avoid them. The easiest way is to take the mosquitoes breeding grounds and avoid any kind of watering hole in the garden or on the terrace. Do not leave any containers standing around because they canRainwatercollect, and cover your rain barrel. Clean and fill your bird baths weekly.

If you could not prevent the female mosquitoes from laying eggs, it is beneficial to control the larvae. Hundreds of them gather in the water and hundreds can also be destroyed. Either you use special mosquito repellents from gardening retailers or you reduce the surface tension in the rain barrel with a few drops of cooking oil or dish soap. The larvae can then no longer hold to the water surface, cannot breathe and drown. In the interest of environmental protection, the detergent should be biodegradable.

In the garden pond, you should avoid washing up liquid or oil, as you would also kill other useful insects. Rather rely on fish or other insectivorous creatures, such as swimming beetles, dragonflies or water beetles. A water feature can also help - the water surface is constantly in motion and the females find it difficult to lay eggs.

Repel Mosquitoes With The Right Defense Measures

If you missed killing the larvae, avoid the stings. An easy method is to wear light, wide clothing. Dark fabrics attract mosquitoes and they can easily bite through tight clothing. You should also wear long trousers. In summer with hot temperatures, of course, this takes some effort to overcome. However, mosquitoes prefer to bite the lower parts of the body, such as the ankles. It's also best to put your pants in your socks - it looks rather modest, but it helps.


Fly screens, air conditioning or help in the house or apartment fan. The fly screen prevents most insects from entering, the air conditioning system cools the room down so much that the mosquitoes are not attracted to it, and the fan chases them away with a gentle, cooling airflow.

Those who have already been stung should scratch as little as possible, the experts advise - even if it still itches. Cooling rubbing agents from the pharmacy provide relief. Mosquito repellents applied to the skin mask the body odor and thus deceive the insects; The synthetic active ingredient is effective, but can be absorbed through the skin and affect the nervous system. However, a large part of it is usually wiped off with the sweat. Natural fragrances can also keep mosquitoes away, but the effect is different.

Drive Away Mosquitoes With Scents

Mosquitoes are very odor-sensitive animals - one smell attracts them, another repels them. Sweet, floral perfumes and our sweat, or the lactic acid produced during sweating, are particularly seductive for them. So if you shower more often and avoid fragrant deodorants and perfumes, you will be stung less often. On the other hand, there are many smells that we find pleasant, but not the mosquito at all. It is repelled by scented candles or oils that smell like lemon, eucalyptus, sandalwood, cinnamon, cedar or camphor.