How to Play League of Legends


One of the most popular free video games is League of Legends is a multi-player title for Windows and mac OS that your friends always talk about. Because of its popularity, you gave in: you downloaded it to your computer, but once you started, you realized that you didn't know how to play, because there are significant differences compared to the video games you usually play.

Well, if so, and you would like to know How to Play League of Legends To get a general idea of what the features, game methods and objectives of this title are, know that you are reading the right tutorial.

In a few seconds, you will secure the results of the league of legends ping test in milliseconds. To test the different servers, you're going to want to have a text document (or anything you prefer) featuring all of the ip-addresses. That fashion in which you can copy and paste them one right after another since you test every and every one in turn.

What is League of Legends?

If you read this tutorial How to Play League of Legends I assume that you are a beginner to this well-known online video game, and that you therefore want to clear doubts about the game methods.

In this sense, this is the first thing you need to know League of Legends, also known by the abbreviation of LoL It's a free MOBA. The term Moba is an acronym for Multiplayer Online Battle Arena which means online multiplayer combat area.

It is a sub-genre that belongs to the real-time strategic video game category in which two teams on a map face each other on a battlefield with the goal of destroying the opponent's headquarters and preserving them.

League of Legends This is a very well known video game and it is also a title that offers a complexity of gameplay that is not indifferent.

That said, if you have recently downloaded this video game on your computer windows and MacOS and you are having problems during the games because you do not know how to play, just continue reading this tutorial, in which I will clarify your doubts , talk about the game methods and what the most important winning strategies are.

Game Mode And Goal

In League of Legends there are 3 game cards and 7 main modes. The most popular card is the Summon call, while the mode most played is those classified as normal.

The main objective of the game is to NEXO enemy, that the headquarters of each of the two composite teams in the summons call five players.

Once the game has started, the two teams will in fact be on either side of the map at the starting point.

Play on the summon summons card and from the allied Nexus three tracks can be identified: better, medium and background. During the match, players must first place themselves in the reference lane that changes according to the chosen champion and the role they want to play.

Once the game has begun, players should expect the continuous generation of non-player characters; these calls mignon are created in waves from NEXO ally. Their goal is to help the players as they progress through the three lanes, helping them destroy the enemy structures that separate from the NEXO opponent.


During the early stages of the game, the goals of the players are limited: destroy the Torres Opponents, aided by allies, attack enemy servers, trigger the coup and defeat enemy players who try to impede them.

In particular, it is very important to give the Minions the coup: it provides an amount of gold that lets you use the sample you use to buy items in the store near the NEXO ally.

During the game it is also possible to earn gold by defeating the opponents, beating the enemy structures and killing the jungle monsters.

To use the accumulated gold, return to the base and click on the Emporium. Buying items is a very important strategy: it offers various improvements and only a few are better suited to the chosen champion and the current situation of the game.

Move In The Game

Now that you understand what the game methods are and what the purpose is League of Legends, start a game by pressing the button juego present in the client, select the game mode you prefer by clicking on it and then click confirm. If you need to practice the game controls and modes that you have carefully explained, then select modes.