Five Trends For Digital Marketing Strategy Planning


Only a few years have passed Digital marketing Became normal, not new anymore Any business that does not decide to enter the digital world There is more to lose or lose to competitors, more or less. Whether you are an entrepreneur or a marketer, the 5 challenges you can't avoid once you decide to jump into this market are...


Higher competition levels, both directly and indirectly

While there is no dividing wall for beginners or those entering the market first Opening a storefront online is no longer difficult. Anyone can have an online space. Whether a small online business Including large public companies. There are many marketing channels.Ikutidm is the most effective place where you can find best jasa instagram.

The inevitable cost of online advertising in the world is 20% per year

Higher advertising costs have become a crisis for many businesses that say sales are continuing. Maybe more difficult And channels that have previously shot advertisements that work like Facebook are not working anymore

The change of consumer behavior that is faster Happened quickly but quickly disappeared

Marketing Communication Planning Original style or planning Digital Marketing rough without divide the campaign. Can no longer be used Because various behaviors have changed quickly among consumers Each age range affects planning of each channel And content strategy, especially for GenMe teenagers who are starting to use less Facebook and spend more time on Instagram, Twitter, Youtube and Netflix, respectively.


Difficulty in finding quality personnel to join the team

This difficulty is an obstacle that has many effects on many organizations. Causing many organizations Especially large organizations have to invest in the budget to compete for talent to buy troops to increase urgently. Some start to build your own training system too, but may produce results that are slower than Option 1. Because it is necessary to have a systematic curriculum, new examination methods and working criteria To better adapt to the era and era

A lot of job details On a little working time

Urgent work Pair with a digital worker without any guesswork. More job descriptions according to the number of channels in the era of Omni Channel, which was not just offline or online, just one channel.

But what does content collection and planning mean? To match with what the customer is looking for and to present the appropriate content format to the channel as well Is important More channels More need to find various tools to save time But can still produce results for the organization continuously.